Unravel your Knots
YOGA for your KNOTS
Yoga Classes:
Yoga Renewal and Somatics -Basics
Learn the foundational postures of yoga . This hatha yoga class combines strength, flexibility, and endurance through precise attention to the body and the breath. Often in workshop style, the method is safe, orderly, and progressive, and the postures are adaptable to meet individualized needs. Myofascial release techniques are used with props such as Therapy balls, blocks, straps and bolsters. Particular attention is paid to ensuring proper alignment and providing modification for all levels of ability. Learn how to reduce your stress and get calm through breath technique. Props are used when necessary to support you where you are right now. Somatic movements are incorporated into all classes.
Yoga Renewal and Somatics -All Levels
This class is for my returning students who are looking for a more intermediate class with a wider variety of poses and strength building opportunities. Still based on the more traditional and Hatha/Iyengar approach, this class is for students who wish to deepen and expand their poses at a faster pace with a focus on improving alignment For students with some yoga experience.This hatha yoga class combines strength, flexibility, and endurance through precise attention to the body and the breath. Often in workshop style, the method is safe, orderly, and progressive, and the postures are adaptable to meet individualized needs. Myofascial release techniques are used with props such as Therapy balls, blocks, straps and bolsters.Somatic movements are incorporated into all classes.
Yoga Renewal and Somatics -Gentle
Using Somatic and gentle yoga methods, learn how to “talk” and “listen” to the body and its response to pain and release some painful holding patterns of tension that adds stress to your mind and body. Through gentle movement and Hatha yoga learn how to “allow” your body to be steady and safe. Classes feature slow & repetitive movements, meditation, relaxation, efficient breathing and developing strength of core muscles and unfolding sensory awareness. props are used.
Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation that has the power to transform, heal and rejuvenate you at core levels. Through the use of body sensing, breath awareness, guided imagery and other practices, you are systematically guided on a meditation journey through each level of your whole being called the koshas.
Somatic Yoga for chronic tightness and pain
Come and learn the neurobiologic benefits of a slow yoga practice
Sure, you may know that you need to slow down, but you don’t necessarily know why...
Slower practices benefit your health in a different way than hot, fast, fitness yoga. Slow helps reduce chronic pain, alleviate depression and anxiety, manage weight, reduce inflammation, reduce fatigue and more. Slow builds more mindfulness and resilience, increases peace and happiness, and helps connect to a clearer sense of identity, meaning and purpose.
Using Somatic and gentle yoga methods, learn how to “talk” and “listen” to the body and its response to pain and release some painful holding patterns of tension that adds stress to your mind and body. Through gentle movement learn how to “allow” your body to be steady and safe. Classes feature slow & repetitive movements, meditation, relaxation, efficient breathing and developing strength of core muscles and unfolding sensory awareness. Learn how to relax on a dime and skills to take pain control in your own hands.
Yoga Basics/Gentle
This class is designed for those who want to gain strength but who also want a relaxing yoga class to unwind, renew, and heal. Students focus on breath awareness and restorative stretching. Beginners welcome; all poses will be taught with modifications for your body.
Yin & Restorative Yoga
This style of practice stimulates the connective tissue of the body while developing mindful awareness. Yin practice is a valuable and necessary complement to stronger forms of yoga, fitness and sports as well as a being a powerful antidote to stressful, busy lifestyles. Restorative yoga targets the parasympathetic nervous system which is responsible for a deep relaxation response. Using the support of props, postures are enjoyed for long periods of time This class is perfect for those experiencing the symptoms of fatigue and stress.
Nordic Pole walking
Walking using poles is a low-stress, total body workout that's fantastic for weight-loss, lowering blood pressure, reducing cholesterol, relieving back, shoulder and neck pain, recovery from knee and hip replacement surgeries, and great for your body and mind. Complement that with basic yoga instruction to stretch and strengthen for an all over workout and relaxation. Poles provided or bring your own. "I love the way I feel after Nordic walking and yoga. I like the fresh air and exercise but I especially like the stretching and relaxing afterwards. .... I like having the opportunity to meet new people. ...Very happy I found this class." K
"After “Nobody does what you do”.. I’ve taken yoga on and off for most of my adult life- and this round has been about 15 years-I’ve been to privately owned studios and city run rec programs. I’ve had physiotherapists, massage therapists, shiatsu therapists. When I’m not with you, I also enjoy classes at another yoga studio.
Still, I have never met anybody who understands the mechanics of body movement the way you do. You intuitively perceive why someone has a particular pain, and how to reprogram that set of muscles to correct it. My sister also recognized this after the first couple of weeks. So we keep coming back, even though you are a bit further away.
If more people understood what you do, you could have 3-4 sessions a day, every day— as much business as you could want. Of course you’d have no private life and you would be a wreck!! And I might have trouble finding a spot on the floor—Let’s not go there.
You are the reason I can walk with no pain, most of the time. Occasionally, I overdo it, but in general I find myself suddenly thinking “I don’t hurt” as I motor along the corridors and pathways. You are the reason I can climb a staircase without stress, and though it sounds weird, the reason I can balance on one leg at a time to pull on a pair of trousers. I couldn’t do any of those things before Terri.
So keep on doing every thing you do, YOGA FOR YOUR KNOTS is not your average yoga studio, and thank goodness for that. JJ
Yoga Renewal all levels 50 plus
This class is for my returning students 50 plus With more focus on those tight problem areas especially hips and shoulders. This hatha yoga class combines strength, flexibility, and endurance through precise attention to the body and the breath. Often in workshop style, the method is safe, orderly, and progressive, and the postures are adaptable to meet individualized needs. Myofascial release techniques are used with props such as Therapy balls, blocks, straps and bolsters.
"I know that I mentioned that my hip had been bugging me...after Mondays class and those darn little balls ( painful) I can tell you that my hip feels better than it has in months...Thank You!" - LB
Chair Yoga: Seated Postures for Every Body
This form of yoga adapts many classic yoga postures such as tree pose and warrior poses to the seated position, and makes the benefits of yoga available to a much larger population including older adults. Chair yoga delivers the benefits of yoga, including flexibility, strength, improved circulation and mental focus, to anyone who can sit in a chair, including those in wheelchairs. If you are recovering from an illness or injury, chair yoga can help you resume your normal fitness activities sooner.
Contact me with respect to joining my on-going chair yoga classes at private locations.
"I'd love to do this as a weekly class…Wonderful!...It was great, relaxing, wonderful!...Great workshop, important and useful information...Very relaxing!"
- Chair Yoga given at LINC PD Day Conference